While Adobe tools are very powerful and the agreement puts professional products in the hands of our faculty, staff, and students, the transformative potential lies with the innovative faculty who choose to use them in their classroom and research projects. Multimodal assignments and assessments developed with these tools supports some of the essential skills, rubrics and content areas that UNM is trying to meet in the General Education Core Curriculum. UNM is developing support mechanisms through partnerships across Academic Affairs, UNM IT, the University Libraries, Honors College, the Center for Teaching and Learning, and UNM Continuing Education for the successful incorporation of digital literacy projects across the curriculum and many academic disciplines.
For those who are unfamiliar with teaching with Adobe Creative Cloud, an open source text book published by Dr. Todd Taylor, the Eliason Distinguished Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, is a good place to start.
Adobe also supports an active Education Exchange with many shared higher education curriculum plans and ideas. UNM's Center for Teaching and Learning is also an excellent resource for pedagogy and curriculum development support.